Voting ended at: Feb. 26, 2023, noon

Weight after voting: 24.96 / 25.0

Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.


25 embe221ed nice challs

25 h4ckd0tm3 High quality challenges

25 [deleted user] Learned Some New Things! Loved it.

25 0xB0tm4n very hard challs

25 22sh ery great web challenges !

25 domysh Amazing and hard CTF!

25 0x34 hard challenges

25 0xRh1d0Y Interesting Challs!

25 hgarrereyn Loved the the rev chal and lambda calculus misc. Would have liked to see more rev challenges and maybe a slightly longer event.

25 MREX good

25 div1121 Good

25 b14d35 Challenging

25 szymex73 nice and challenging tasks, please make your infra more stable next time though

25 vietzettt Good

25 Lenzod very challenging tasks

25 maple3142 Great crypto challenges

25 crazyman Challenging game, strong crypto, pwn

25 taidh good web challenge

25 RJCyber interesting challs!

25 zeosutt learned a lot

24 ndrewh needs more rev

25 deltaclock great web challs!

25 downgraded amazing <3

25 Dimas_Maulana hard but i learn a lot from it

25 overfl0w good web challenges

25 xanhacks Very great web challenges !