Voting ended at: April 9, 2023, 4 p.m.

Weight after voting: 26.98 / 45.930

Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.


45 serega6531 meow as well

45 013K meow too

45 katok meow

10 esoj_1 too much guessy

35 PeaceRanger Fun challenges. Learned some new things like tcache poisoning while solving the challenges.

25 CygnusX-26 very fun, but many challenges seemed too guessy

22 sahuang +solid infra+responsive admin-guessy webs-low quality steg-release chall after 24hr-overall quality downgraded compared to 2022.

29 TricksterNerd Great staff and a fun experience.

20 siunam The infra is stable, however some challenges are very guessy and unclear flag file location

22 parakavia Ok, but definitely not 45

45 Cyb0rgSw0rd Loved it. Great staff, hard challenges, but a fun experience.

10 soulctf Very guessy, or easy challenges. Can't even say its good for beginners as the challenges don't even allow you to learn much, just guess.

20 samiko Easy web challs, some guessy and uninspired challs, pcap challs rely too much on binary mapping, poor points to difficulty ratio at times

15 hvn easy

20 hvn easy

45 lonai Perfect

10 zavinator Unstable infra, easy + guessy challs, 25pt max - balancing the weight

45 gr007 Awesome ctf.

45 lolipop Educational

45 jpalayoor very good