Voting ended at: March 26, 2023, 8 p.m.

Weight after voting: 35.25 / 36.495

Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.


34 hvn Good

36 Shasha Good CTF

36 Icarus131 good event

36 Moshe The event was really good. liked the beginner section very much

36 Dimas_Maulana good ctf

36 HxN0n3 admin support is good and some really good challenges in this ctf

35 zeosutt Overall excellent. So, it is a pity that there were just a few guessy challs.

36 ValleForPresident Good challs, nice admins, can't complain.

36 varnokk Good

36 _g0at_ good ctf

32 matryochska The challenge is absolutely great and no need to guessing.

36 Mr1tYu Great ctf

30 sahuang +Admin support+Some high quality chals-Random steg-lots of chall issues/reuploads-Last osint is bad-too much rev w weird archs...

36 Bornunique911 Kudos to the support team. Nice infrastructure handling and no complains of 404 or 500 server error. Also nice quality challenges for CTF.