Voting ended at: Aug. 13, 2023, 6 p.m.

Weight after voting: 95.59 / 98.130

Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.


88 deomkicer good and enjoyable challs

98 G4ND4LF101 Hard but fun

98 Mojae Hard but fun

90 3L1l0uM Original ideas!

98 4rk0 Great ctf

80 letmewin what a CTF!

90 bquanman not bad

70 4rk0 Great and hard challenges

98 franfill I really liked the crypto challenges

98 penguin was hard and fun

98 chenx3n Original challenges, great CTF

95 F100w Fun and hard

98 mirkhoff fun ctf

98 vvxhid Great ctf, nice web challenges

98 codingmagic great chall

98 codingmagic great chall

98 lunashci Great !

98 crazyman great chal

98 3dnan Was a good and hard ctf, nice web challenges.

98 Dimas_Maulana good and hard

98 vidner enjoyable

98 Vaints Fun CTF ^ -^)b

98 xanhacks Perfect!

98 mza7a I dont even play Forensics, and I was amazed on how good the challenges and how creative were. Hard CTF overall, but enjoyable.

65 letmewin some web challenges where down many times, but good ctf overall

80 nasm pwn and forensic challenges were not that good but apparently web and reverse challenges were ok

98 Rxxxf Great CTF !

98 itskarudo good

98 rx0f nice

98 yos3f wonderful ctf

98 obmium very hard ctf, but fun

60 Rxxxf Great CTF !