Voting ended at: Feb. 12, 2023, 6:30 a.m.

Weight after voting: 24.64 / 25.0

Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.


25 Vozec Good

25 _g0at_ Good

25 Dimas_Maulana Good ctf

24 suds4131 noice

25 ultraspacemarine good ctf

23 careless_finch Overall good ctf. -2 for unpredictable/unannounced challenge release schedules.

25 ph1nx nice

25 morisummer cool ctf

25 tiennvhe163008 good

25 viralis0 Good ctf, both beginner-level challenges along with some difficult ones.

22 Hoppp3r good enough

24 bquanman Forensics challs are basic, not too interesting. Overall a good ctf for beginners

23 bquanman Forensics challs are basic, not too interesting

25 Jopraveen nice ctf

25 Jopraveen

25 leonuz nice ctf!

25 Cyb0rgSw0rd We had fun - couldn't do much because of school but the infra. was decent and the challenges were well written

25 4bsB1ack it was very balanced,

25 MrFreddi007 Some of the Infra was not too stable, other than that a good ctf

25 shine. ppp

25 vietzettt good, but not newbie

25 WannaCryCry was a nice one, for each level

25 Leslato fun ctf

25 mohsinshah565 Challenges were really good, and I learnt some new stuff!

25 karlos Very Good CTF

25 Roellik Varied challenges at an introductory level. Forensics were especially enjoyable.

24 ywc nice

25 gynvael Good entry-to-medium level challenges, nice category spread, decent (though not perfect) stability, easy 25.