Voting ended at: Feb. 25, 2023, noon

Weight after voting: 21.95 / 32.325

Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.


5 fsharp Some challenges were easy and fun, but I found many of them to be very guessy. Admins felt a bit rude.

32 godmodon3.14 good

5 XeR I can't really blame the organizers for I was the one who inflicted this absolute guess festival upon myself

32 HSUHSU Suitable For Novice Learning

9 aaalviny many guessy challenges

9 sudobash418 Many guessy challenges. Cloudflare kept breaking CTFd.

32 marufmurtuza Various difficulty challenges. Nice for beginners to intermediate players.

29 div1121 Good

25 rozie Nice CTF, Well organized, no tech problems. Challenges with different difficulty.

32 Bornunique911 Nice CTF

20 _g0at_ 。。。

9 parakavia guessy

30 _g0at_ Too many brains。。。。

20 c0nrad It'd be cool if future web chals had source, and maybe a better spread of difficulty with less guessy chals. Thanks for hosting!

23 t0xic_h4cker ok

8 KernelKrise Very guessy ctf

10 DoctorEww Guessy CTF

20 DerMichael ok

32 fpatrik ok

32 Crypto0 guessy CTF

32 lonai 1337

32 vietzettt Good

32 FazeCT ok

32 Jopraveen nice ctf

30 SHAOCHI_LU good