Voting ended at: April 22, 2023, 2:59 p.m.

Weight after voting: 32.71 / 65.250

Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.


30 neeagleism 30

10 e1profesor Quite poor infrastructure and buggy challenges. Poor support throughout the competition as well.

25 ottoboni Broken challenges that remained broken for hours on end. There were some nice challenges, but really bad support overall.

35 Rookie441 Broken Github challenges. Other than that it's fine

32 MatteoPaier Some nice and enjoyable challenges. Unsolvable challenges should not exist, please try adding more admin support next year.

33 peszr Buggy challenges and no support from admins during most of the CTF, but overall a good experience.

30 kalex Good challenges. Needed more pwn. Admins went to sleep after some hours, left some unsolvable challs, never answered before end.

25 zeosutt good challenges, a little bit unstable infra, unresponsive admins (2 flags were lost 5 hours after start and never recovered)...

65 L0k1 Cool

40 mebeim Eh, more pwn plz