Voting ended at: July 16, 2023, 1 p.m.

Weight after voting: 24.80 / 25.0

Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.


25 ipaljak Great

25 Victor Fun CTF, good mixture of difficulty levels

22 hweissi Good ctf overall, but some guessy challs. Typo in flag was not corrected...

25 2_3 Even though some chals (especially ransomeware 2) were guessy, all in all, the CTF deserves a >25 rating.

25 r4j4_rj good for beginners

25 Diff-fusion Nice challenges. Especially the risc-v was fun.

25 Ordoviz good set of beginner challenges

25 rx0f nice

25 poniponiponiponiponiponiponi great ctf, only one bad/guessy chall

25 h4tum Fun CTF with some interesting challenges

25 LucidBrot All in all solid. good schedule, fair hint policy, working infra. Cons: not much misc, stego, chapgpyt

25 letmewin good ctf

25 xlr8or Great CTF, I've enjoyed it. The UI could feature a category filter for next time.

25 itskarudo fun one

25 campa1102 Very good ctf

25 crazyman good ctf

25 jpalayoor good ctf