Voting ended at: July 28, 2023, 3 p.m.

Weight after voting: 16.00 / 25.0

Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.


25 7R4C3 Infra was very stable. No downtime. Challenges were good too

25 0V3RR1D3 Good CTF

25 0xed ?

25 MikiVirus ezz

15 flash beginner CTF. Limited tries for guessy flags and the crap rules that you cannot access next challenge even if you have the flag already :D

25 SK4RP10N Nadi

25 andysmith Infra was just awesome with great management. Challenges were beginner friendly. Good job Knight Squad

25 TTS beginner friendly CTF. Infra was very smooth.

1 aaalviny lowest quality CTF i have seen with guessy challs and bad infra, if you looked at their previous 3 CTF's comments you would understand

25 hamzaharoon ez ctf but some challs were too guessy

1 bquanman worst

25 dynamic-stacker One of the OSINT challenges were ambiguous. Need more attempts to get the names correct

25 davidcsy more admins and more attempts because there were chllgs with ambiguous answers though we were correct

23 afakename good beginner challs, took active feedback

25 r4j4_rj a little bit unbalanced, like some challenges took seconds to solve like you'll get 5 flags in a single flow, should improve that

1 magicfrank Can this be considered a CTF?

6 Dimu Some cool beginner challs but there were guessy ones with limited attempts. Discord was shutdown due to some drama.

25 abdula_2fal well

25 4N0NyM0US infra was perfect with great management. some good challenges. overall its a good ctf

25 0V3RR1D3 Infra was far far far better than previous event. no downtime. challenges were good enough. good job knight squad

25 7R1N17Y Infra was very very smooth. No downtime. Some hoes shared flags in their discord server and for this reason admins removed channels.

5 Quackers711 Mostly guessy challs and bad infra but with a few okay challenges. Discord got fully closed down which sucks for communication.

15 RJCyber Easy challenges; some challs were guessy. Admins were nice .

25 TTS beginner friendly CTF. Infra was very smooth. OSINT was good.

25 blackroot Awesome challenges.

25 blackroot Awesome challenges. Awesome challenges. Awesome challenges. awesome challs

1 dp_1 guessy

24 xenon Amazing

21 toor97 Awesome challenges.

19 dryy Entry-level CTF - a few challenges were slightly more advanced. Overall good. Sadly couldn't communicate / meme with other teams.

25 kawaiiDT The challenges in the CTF competition range from easy to medium difficulty, in general, the challenges are not too difficult.

20 kawaiiDT The challenges in the CTF competition range from easy to medium difficulty, in general, the challenges are not too difficult.

25 RAR_VIRUS Nice. Beginner friendly

25 securisec good infra, but challenge quality can be better

25 rahi_sec It was a awesome journey, the challenges were beginner friendly and the server was also active the whole time. with great management.

25 MikiVirus ezz ctf

1 Titto Unplayable. Quit mid CTF. 1 point because they were fast to upload the scoreboard