Voting ended at: May 7, 2023, 10 p.m.
Weight after voting: 48.92 / 65.655
Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.
65 toothl3ss Great!
19 guesslemonger Wasted entire day on broken challenges which were eventually removed. Test them before releasing maybe?
48 aaalviny High quality and fun challs, but some infra issues at the beginning and files reuploads
60 zeosutt Guessy challs and infra issues were not good, but high quality and beginner friendly CTF overall.
55 BraydenPikachu Pretty Decent, had some infra structure issues, along with challenges having wrong passwords or wrong files. Staff were quite responsive tho
60 skat Great and fun overall, but didn't like that there were some guessy elements.
65 lamchcl good
65 0xRh1d0Y Nice Chall
65 HexF super high-quality ctf, ML category was interesting - god i hate revving rust ML binaries
50 lUcgryyy some infrastructure issue, but overall nice CTF
65 arpmipg Awesome crypto
28 krishnadevpmelevila nice
65 karlos best ctf
20 crazyman +some creative challenges -unstable infrastructure -The operation of updating attachments many times -misc rev -guessing
25 Dimas_Maulana Good ctf
65 mrxbox98 Amazing ctf. Great variety of challenges.
40 KernelKrise High quality CTF, interesting tasks
47 Snaggy The level of the challenges provided last time was awesome!
65 v1k1nghawk Very nice, thanks a lot
40 J4X Overall good ctf. Making one of your challenges only solvable by calling a us number (which Costa a lot from europe) is not fair.
47 m3ssap0 Some guessy/closed-source challenges, infra problems, but in general nice CTF.
50 dp_1 some infra issues but a good ctf nonetheless
16 Nissen Some decent challs but way too many challenge issues, reuploads, removed challs, infra issues, and some guessy challs
65 0xdadb0d great challs
65 RezaSi High quality challs
65 toothl3ss cool
60 Jaquiez W CTF - 1 or 2 guessy challs but good fun
13 Uz. Low Quality + Guessy + misc rev
33 MOR14R7Y + Good challenges - challs down - guessy forensics and some other challs - removed 2 frn after 6 hours of release - weird rule
58 sahuang +High quality chals+Difficulty spread+Responsive admin-Infra down causing delay-Multiple forensics were broken.Overall great experience!
65 jpalayoor bro damn good ctf i swear