Voting ended at: Aug. 20, 2023, 9 p.m.

Weight after voting: 73.82 / 100.0

Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.


100 sharuke great ctf

100 jsouto Good

100 TheGriffyn good ctf

80 lktn Cool

80 lktn Cool

100 acurich cool

100 defeatedkitten normalin normalin

100 v1k1nghawk Thanks for the challenges

100 varnokk good

94 Exited3n Very good!

100 Oxygen good chalenge difficulty, cool tasks fore revers and osint

75 Amendil Very interesting and hard challenges overall. But terrible osint.

100 thanguyen165 good web

50 crazyman only for rev and pwn

100 nasm Bad OSINT, good web challenges, and a very cool kernel pwn challenge

80 farisv Apart from OSINT, the challenges are actually good. Some challs have issues, but all of the problems are solvable.

35 es3n1n bad osint, weird forensics. expected a bit more from the event with 90 weight

50 bquanman bad osint, foren is developed in Russian, there is unintended solution


24 sahuang Resetting for some decent rev/crypto.Still, foren has unintended and osint are badly designed.90 rating CTF sho've better qualities chals :)

1 sahuang bad osint / lots of russian chals / broken challs / inflated rating

1 terjanq Broken challenge for the whole competition and admins refusing to fix until we solved it in different way.