Voting ended at: April 10, 2023, 11 a.m.

Weight after voting: 23.84 / 25.0

Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.


25 Byambadalai Cum necessitatibus a ab officiis provident inventore magni sunt cum et omnis esse earum sed nulla porro ut excepturi provident

25 GaganChandan

25 aryanshb Good CTF, cluttered platform. stick to ctfd ;_;

21 aryanshb Good CTF, cluttered platform. stick to ctfd ;_;

25 Hailegebriel It was amazing CTF

25 rhizobium The challenges were based on basic concepts, but they twisted them in a great manner

25 Black-Fox good

15 bquanman

25 Reaper_Dhan Worthy CTF

25 Arrow good beginner friendly ctf with some harder challenges - please use different platform though as 3 clicks just to download files is annoying

25 0xEpitome Very informative ctf

25 0xRh1d0Y Beginner Friendly CTF with Some Hard Chall ! Overall Good :)

25 amanbhandari01 Worthy CTF

24 A1andNS great

25 Icarus131 Great CTF

25 Masterchief88 Great Challenges

25 Cyberc0re Very good challenges

25 hackyeaster Good CTF - web challenges would be nice

25 AlekseyBushin Good CTF

20 comrade Good for beginer CTF.

25 ElliotM87 great

25 [deleted user] Good for beginer CTF.

21 Lucian1729 Decent challenges but platform experience was bad- buggy, slow and too many clicks needed.

25 ph1nx nice ctf

24 TricksterNerd Beginner friendly CTF with advanced challenges too

25 siphyshu Had fun, was a good ctf by the BITS Pilani team.

22 naman2341 Really great ctf

23 TheAlpha16 Good for beginners, but the platform is not so convinent though.

21 B3gul4 Good CTF

24 FredericCanaud Very good CTF, with a lot of different challenges !

22 justanothern00b Good beginner friendly ctf!

24 VGA Very good ctf, a lot of challenge and funny

20 Arrow good beginner friendly ctf with some harder challenges - please use different platform though as 3 clicks just to download files is annoying