Voting ended at: June 21, 2023, 3 a.m.

Weight after voting: 5.88 / 25.0

Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.


1 daffainfo Guessy CTF

15 voix44er Strange distribution of challs + scoring and guess the flag in one task - but most challenges were reasonable

1 wongyos Bad CTF event

6 augusto Some challenges were just random guessing + bruteforcing

15 letmewin crazy discord bot, many useless challenges

1 Titto Had a nice talk in Korean with the bot B)

6 deltaclock Discord category... Wrong flag in the challenge.. either very easy or impossible challenges...?

3 jpalayoor no

1 Uz. What is the "discord" category? :(

1 Uz. What is the "discord" category? :(

5 sahuang unreadable flag causing 4000+ flag submissions :peepoo:

5 crazyman cursed ctf

25 jpalayoor very good