Voting ended at: July 30, 2023, 1 p.m.

Weight after voting: 24.81 / 25.0

Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.


25 TheSavageTeddy fun ctf, nice chals

1 dryy Second chall I started was down for over 2 hours. Went to ask on the discord server, got no answer whatsoever.

25 exzettabyte good

25 Vaints Love the PWN challenge, especially the kernel exp one.

25 Vaints Love the PWN challenge, especially the kernel exp one.

25 shifu_ctf Forensic tasks are good enough

25 J4X Cool solidity chals

25 far_a_wayland good challenges

25 Avataris12 hard

25 0xShinxy Pretty fun challenges

25 AlienX Great beginner ctf

25 h3athen999 Was really fun playing

25 afan0918 Good

25 Chovid99 Fun challenges

25 toasterpwn Very fun, nice kernel pwn

23 ashiri A few, thoughtful challenges. Had fun with the crypto challs.

25 abdoghazy Good CTF Thanks to Dread Pirate Robert for his awesome web challenge 3>

25 pigadoor interesting

23 whitesombrero Good except the server issues

25 NZT Good

25 xlr8or great ctf, good pacing, diverse categories and good difficulty challenges

25 0xGodspeed good ctf, had some server issues here and there but cool challs

24 CSN3RD Good CTF. Taking a point off because of the hint system.