Voting ended at: Aug. 24, 2023, 10 p.m.

Weight after voting: 25.00 / 25.0

Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.


25 domyos Excellent event

25 spikeroot Great CTF

25 Victor Very nice event

25 N0R37urn Excellent event

25 larsw Excellent first-time ctf.

1 0xZeta .

25 MrQubo Great challs, but one chall was apparently reused? Weird infra, why internal port was in hostname and not just port??

25 1v0t nice !

25 Shadowwws Good challs

25 av0 Good event, a lot of tasks to choose from, interesting gamehacking, but gamehacking was a bit hard to solve because of stability issues

25 av0 Good event, a lot of tasks to choose from, interesting gamehacking, but gamehacking was a bit hard to solve because of stability issues

25 bquanman good

25 G-Nom The gamehacking was great, had a lot of fun, was a bit short tho to really get into the gamehacking

25 wallaby3 Really good chals, game hacking was great. Wish it ran longer!

25 Skryptonyte loved the gamehacking and pwn

25 poniponiponiponiponiponiponi Definitely deserves more than 25. We need more game hacking in ctfs!

25 jsouto Awesome CTF with game hacking

25 es3n1n sick gamehacking, the infra could definitely be improved :^)

25 j4ckson4800 Gamehacking is great.

25 crazyman game hacking and pwn challenge is great

25 Uz. Pwn is pretty Good :)