Voting ended at: Oct. 16, 2023, 2 p.m.

Weight after voting: 38.57 / 51.135

Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.


51 nicolas.bouzin1 Really nice ctf

51 Dacat Hi quality, non-guessy CTF

45 YangMin good pwn, other not enough

51 rluodev This was pretty challenging CTF, will join again next year!

31 Sh3p3rD good ctf

35 CoinK0in need more chall but good chall

51 DoctorZelenka Really nice challanges, thanks!

30 phoen1xxx Nice ctf, no crypto, no reverse

25 clowncs Need more balance in chall

35 ashiri Good beginner/intermediate challs. Could have used more crypto.

25 drain not bad, could have used more diverse challenges, pwn was fun

30 SolarDebris A good set of pwn challenges, could use more challenges for other categories with harder ones.

51 Leoo Fun!

40 anzuukino good ctf

12 bawolff Chals were kind of meh. Many of them more tedious than interesting.

40 kalex Good easy/medium difficulty pwn

34 zeosutt pwn was nice

51 0xnil good ctf

51 0x157 good ctf

51 suvoni good ctf

51 isitdtu43 I lke this CTF