Voting ended at: Nov. 19, 2023, 11 a.m.

Weight after voting: 33.59 / 35.880

Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.


20 Van@k1337 Ucucuga web

35 defeatedkitten абоба

2 defeatedkitten aboba

3 Van@k1337 Хуйня

35 duckl1ng good

35 kucka_mowku Nice ctf

35 samodelka It's cool

35 kibertard Interesting tasks that require innovative thinking and extraordinary skills to solve.

35 cap_ibara Nice tasks

35 Chillov3k One of the bests CTF in Russia

35 ArtNext Btw there are 70'000 pieces in the Sheraton Plaza panno

35 m0r0zk01 niche tak

20 phoen1xxx gde pwn

35 mehmetcalim that was fun

35 Mishanya00 My first CTF and it was really interesting to try solving these tasks till 2a.m. I couldn't stop and suffer a little hunger:0

34 vietzettt good

35 LeKSuS 10 Sheratonplaza Ufa Congress Hotel шестиугольник деревянное пано соты уфа башкирские традиции панно стойка регистрации ресепшн/10

35 LightVillet Nice ctf

35 S4ar Very interesting tasks

35 shine. ;;;