Voting ended at: Feb. 25, 2024, 10 p.m.

Weight after voting: 36.70 / 37.395

Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.


37 ice_cream Very funny and entertaining reverse challenges

37 _Fuze_ good ctf

33 _Fuze_ good ctf

37 gravedweller lot of ez challenges had not enough time to get to the hardest ones though

37 Cyb0rgSw0rd Always a phenomenal event.

37 lvert Good ctf

37 bawolff Excellent CTF. Lots of questions, generally high quality questions. Especially good web chal. Good balance of diff level. Infra was solid.

35 [deleted user] nice challenges

33 H0N3YP0T Ver good CTF with a lot of tasks

37 rhizobium Web challenges were really interesting

37 RezaSi Awesome CTF!

37 Vaas778 Great CTF !

26 Vaas778 Great CTF, very well organized

37 T0pN0xch high quality ctf, a lot of challenges

37 ashwaynn Awesome CTF!

37 Lordza good ctf, nice difficulty curve

37 Rxxxf Fun challenges !

37 mza7a good content and challenges !!

37 9x14S Best challenges we've seen in a while

37 chonkyNyan enjoyable CTF!

37 minipif very fun

37 guo so fun

37 Brunton Fun challenges

34 NameIsError Interesting web and misc challenges

37 Zaua I loved it, especially rev

37 daffainfo very challenging

37 ckc9759 Enjoyed it

32 marcodige Very fun challs

37 biu2 too great

37 Blupper awesome challenges

37 1aadiez great one

30 notmari There were many challenges and they were cool.

37 wx0rx very nice, but didn't played lol

37 thestranger fun ctf

37 D4RK_10RD Creative challenges

37 popisgod Nice and challenging

37 T0pN0xch great quality challenges

37 Ark nice web

37 TheMaverick Really good CTF. Many challenging tasks that urges the player to think out of box. Good support and infrastructure

37 fyrepaw13 good ctf

37 It3rator_I_bar3ly_know_h3r great comp

31 DrunkenCloud wonderfull CTF. Questions were made such that even people who are starting off like me get the motivation to do the CTF with familiar probs

37 john228 Nice ctf

32 mud-ali fun and balanced but challenging problems

37 sunbather very fun ctf!

37 0utL4w Nice ctf

37 Ag3ntD. Very fun ctf and the talks were cool

37 Minei3oat Great CTF with interesting challenges

37 suvoni great ctf