Voting ended at: Dec. 31, 2023, 2 p.m.

Weight after voting: 25.00 / 25.0

Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.


25 parrot Great quality. Would like to see more events like this

25 Riatre Good mix of challenges, even better than a lot of CTFs with explicit challenge selection process. RE was a little bit too much for 24 hours.

25 sahuang nice one

25 Redford Really nice!

25 borysp Worked out pretty nicely!

25 crazyman nice game

25 crazyman nice game

25 cluosh So much work went into orga, it really paid off, that was fun

25 Leoo Great CTF with very nice challenges :)

25 poniponiponiponiponiponiponi Surprisingly good, each team's challenges were awesome!!

25 emxl very cool!!

25 p4ck3t0 Stable Infra, nice challenges, great difficulty - amazing CTF <3