Voting ended at: April 7, 2024, 3 p.m.

Weight after voting: 27.14 / 53.865

Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.


1 r3nbou not fun at all, difficulty between categories is very unbalanced, incredibly guessy

52 5h4rrk good forensic challs - Reanimation and Greasepaint(very good concept)

53 5h4rrk good forensic challs - Reanimation and Greasepaint(best) ?

30 Ze_Pacifist Decent but lacking variety of challenges across few categories.

53 muntasirarin It's okay

44 muntasirarin It's okay

53 Azr43lKn1ght good forensics challenges - reanimation and Greasepaint

45 v1k1nghawk Thanks for the event

35 duckl1ng so so

53 keltecc good stegano

1 n.oriharov It gets worse every year.....and no support from tg.....

25 CanFly good ctf, but some tasks are quite doubtful, lack of web tasks

53 TheMaverick Good CTF

10 013K No comments

2 crazyman It gets worse every year.....and no support from tg.....

53 amyasnikov There were a few very easy tasks. All the others are very difficult for mв

25 S4ar Slabo

3 5u1tan random difficulties

25 bquanman low quality

35 BGuy The title description is too abstract

53 y12uN Cool CTF

20 Vitalkrilov "10 PIRATEN OUT OF 0"

53 Vitalkrilov "10 PIRATEN OUT OF 0"

2 phoen1xxx taski govno

53 lucky624 its okey

1 Kr4k3nEU No support from the org, no discord, random challenges, random difficulties, challenges without solves at all, etc.

20 Mefistofelka The tasks were fun and exciting. Disappointing was the amount of variety, namely the small number of web-tasks.

10 Scoop Unsolvable challenges and most uzuzuga's style

10 havel29 Weird challenges

20 L1mPeX Good forensics, but there are too much UNSOLVEABLE tasks (not even only reverse has 0 solutions) and weird tasks in uzuzuga's style

10 acurich Ucucuga

53 gusyaross панкрокочная

10 HenryRozenttag Ucucucuga tasks and other shit

53 yemae yes

10 varnokk Most of the tasks are utsutsuga, too few tasks, many have never been solved