Voting ended at: April 14, 2024, 10 p.m.
Weight after voting: 56.66 / 72.375
Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.
64 tommy_kay Good CTF.
30 Azr43lKn1ght how guessy can forensics be and its all just misc, and author is asleep most of the time
72 acurich forza pizdec
45 justk1r4 nice pwn challenges but could be harder
45 justk1r4 pwn challenges but could be harder
20 XeR Nice entry level CTF, but some challenges were painfully guessy
40 alfin web challs were just medium level
72 Dat2Phit Nice
50 ls.exe Good CTF
46 crazyman not difficult chal
72 9x14S Best Pwn challenges I've seen since Braekers
16 killerdog Fun ctf woth some interesting challengws, but with multiple teams full clearing so quickly this shouldnt be much higher thab 50 weight.
72 c0br4_ good
72 flocto emojis arent allowed pretend that previous vote was full of money emojis
72 flocto gimme that ???????????????????????????
48 Myldero Good CTF, we enjoyed it, but challenges were not very difficult
25 Azr43lKn1ght very guessy forensic challs with bad description, otherwise the ctf was good
72 TheMaverick Tuff
72 Blupper veri nice
72 D4RK_10RD Quality challenges and not guessy
54 ancid Quite a challenge
72 havel29 Nice challs
72 Lordza nice