Voting ended at: March 10, 2024, 10:29 a.m.

Weight after voting: 27.90 / 50.145

Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.


1 Kr4k3n to guessy some challs, you dont learn a shit, and some challenges where coppied from other CTFs

50 moist_shrek458 it was a great ctf

50 DumbCharlie Good Challenges

1 TuxPad Really bad CTF. Stolen challs, guessy challs, major downtime, forgot to post attachments, rev chall that just printed out the flag, etc.

50 STUNNx Good Challenges

1 daffainfo Guessy challs + there are a lot of stolen challs from other ctf like sekaictf

50 CyberGhostX great ctf

50 CyberGhostX Great CTF

50 GeeGee nice

49 Kill_Switch It was a great ctf

50 ssdon Quite nice

1 Legoclones I have NO idea why people are giving this anything more than a 5, this was one of the worst CTFs in my life. See my comment on the main page

50 Parzival9339 nice

50 stryx39 good

37 miles_ukr Generally all is okay, but some chals are stolen and platform lags

15 H0N3YP0T I forgot to mention guessy chall & release of chall 6h before the end (sleeping at this GMT) , sorry but more frustration than fun & learned

1 Azr43lKn1ght Guessy challenges are acceptable, but stealing someone else's is not!

20 ange1o Some challs are indeed nice and integersting, but stolen ones and drama in discord had their impact on overall score.

13 sunbather no pwn, very guessy+stolen challs, challs released 6 hrs b4 end of CTF, unstable infra, bad discord moderation, admins voting for weight xd

50 Reverse0 Nice

50 d33znu75 not good

40 HardikJain Good Challenges, infra could be better

18 H0N3YP0T + balance Hard/beginner chall + OSINT - stolen chall - laggy plateform - generation of 15 min instances - flag sharing / moderation

20 PeaceRanger some challs were good, but rest were guessy/stolen. release of new challs just 6 hrs b4 the end is extremely unprofessional.

45 small Good one !

39 MK37 nice overall, but some really sad things like releasing of last challs 6 hours before end..., and some stolen challs

1 SteakEnthusiast Bad CTF Guessy+stolen chals, releasing 10+ chals 6 hours before end of CTF, infra issues, offline admins, required writeups for top 25

50 moist_shrek458 it was a p good ctf and i liked playing it

33 john228 Not bad, tasks interesting but some challenges was stolen and platform often lags

50 ret Don't use Traboda Platform nextime, use CTFd instead

30 Cyb0rgSw0rd Unfortunate infra issues. Added a religious "OSINT" challenge about the Vedas. Other challenges poorly written, except for the ones stolen.

50 m1Cu63 Good challenges

50 [deleted user] Nice

50 it4ch1 Nice

2 Dinlon5566 stolCTF

1 RJCyber required writeups for all solved challenges for top 25 during week-days

1 RJCyber stolen challenges, guessy, infra had issues, all admins offline for hours, released challs with 6 hrs left in event, waste of time

50 SHAOCHI_LU The game is good,also the organizer are really friendly

50 bunny26 Good one

26 redtrib3 Good ctf, except somw controversey regarding copying challenges, it was actually fun :)

50 wxx6 nice ctf

2 spoutingwhale Guessy, stole challs from other CTFs, flag sharing, dumpster fire

50 N0R37urn excellent challs

50 1v0t great CTF , thanks!

25 vjz3r guessy chall