Voting ended at: June 17, 2024, 8 p.m.
Weight after voting: 62.97 / 69.495
Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.
1 S4vaki broken pwn :/
1 wx0rx overall pretty good challs, but guessy reverse and too easy pwn (last 2 pwns were broken and not removed from the board) => overrated ctf
69 SHAOCHI_LU Very GOOD . It's my third time join this game
69 MadRat_0 Based
69 RagRocks Godd CTF
69 MuslimFromPk Nice one
69 AkaniX3 fun ctf
69 recreation very fun, admins were very helpful
60 blueplume nice challs
69 gnay-uy cool
69 SpeedyCyclone amazing
39 pshegger
21 pshegger
69 Gnas24 awesome!
69 Th0m4sK nice ctf
69 ckc9759 Nice
58 dak5h Challenging but fun
69 begula Good challenge, very challenging
69 nightxade awesome ctf, great for high schoolers
68 lolmenow great ctf for beginners and intermediate players, admins were friendly and helpful
69 yahlialton .
69 levu12 epic
62 fenlya Really good CTF, nice variety of challenges and difficulties
69 bonginc Great job!
69 viflaem2 awesome ctf, feels like picoCTF but made for professionals
69 chav3pakar4io well made, really enjoyable. im excited for the next year.
69 Zer0bp cool ctf
60 tommy_kay Decent CTF
69 fooker thx
34 _drekos
69 xnw fun challenges
69 Krzyttt COOL
69 Krzyttt Really cool CTF
69 SignedIntegerOverflow Fun CTF!
69 jp-1 great time to spend a weekend
69 larrypir2 fun ctf