Voting ended at: April 28, 2024, 10 p.m.

Weight after voting: 46.79 / 64.650

Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.


40 justk1R4 lack of pwn challenges + low difficulty

25 CygnusX-26 Many chall were kind of low effort, and it seems random guessy aspects were added to make the challs "harder"

42 crazyman try to balance it. Although part of rev's Turing machine topic is relatively new, part of the forensics is quite speculative, ....

5 peszr I'm giving a low rating to balance things out, didn't really appreciate web challenges except for cash cache

20 D4NGLZ Not very beginner friendly, web challenges lacking direction, forensics and RF challenges were no fun, lot of technical difficulties.

1 MarcoPellero really bad pwns; 90% filler and 10% content. too easy, boring, and overall badly made. bad infra, too guessy

41 FeeDz gg

25 salvatore.abello Too much guessy challenges. The only good chall was Cash cache. Infra was not stable. I was expecting more.

30 abignold Good range of chals. Poor infra. Too much guessing. Poor descriptions

40 zavinator various quality of challenges

64 k41s33rrr good ctf

64 7sk.neko good

5 kalex Voting low due to inflated weight. PWN != format strings. Lots of unnecessary guessing in way too many challs to make them "harder".

64 ckc9759 nice

64 domiee13 ggwp

64 Coffee_N_Shells High quality RE chals

64 Abu_ Badmos

64 samiko Great unique challs, enjoyed web and forensics, infra was a bit shaky at times but organisers were quick to resolve any issues

64 havel29 gg

64 Foebar nice challs!

64 sn0ja Cool ctf, good support, some challenge descriptions were a missleading e.g. red40maxing, cool theme

64 Nightxade nice crypto!

63 0x157 awesome challs, learned a lot :)

64 0xnil great chall, more pwn pls

64 chenx3n great chals!

62 suvoni good challs, more pwn next time please