Voting ended at: May 26, 2024, noon
Weight after voting: 20.72 / 25.0
Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.
15 Agalas Good challs, but a bit guessy
22 exzettabyte good
25 crucifixit best ctf
21 defeatedkitten blackboxes+no crypto+10 minutes container+GOYDAAAAA+unbalanced categories. Mostly nice, it was pretty fun.
25 Broder Hard challenge
20 Hennich lack of crypto should have been mentioned before, minecraft is a nice idea, but a disadvantage for players without a working account
20 LeKSuS Tasks were mostly good, but no crypto and too much of a blackbox web. Also, having to extend my instances a lot was frustrating
25 k3vg3n good tasks
25 [deleted user] hard because of the minecraft one I didn't solve it i played it. :)
10 alfin some guess work required
20 sahuang Some chals are a bit guessy, one ppc had laggy issue..nice rev, some weird foren
25 Coffeedipso hard challenge :)
15 es3n1n challenges were really great overall, but too much of guesswork required to solve some of them imo
20 CyberCitizen01 A little guessy
25 stupidentityfromblackhole damn I can't see diagonally
25 falamous decent rev. minecraft tasks
15 pomo_mondreganto Same stuff but more objective rating for the first time
15 Azr43lKn1ght releasing 6gb files when 12 and 18 hours remaining is unacceptable and hints were not even clear
10 Azr43lKn1ght releasing 6gb files when 12 and 18 hours remaining is unacceptable and hints were not even clear
25 Broder hard challenge
25 keltecc norm
20 crazyman nice rev
25 dvt Hard challenges
25 AhnMaph The design was impressive, I love the minecraft challenge
25 vient zajebisty ctf
20 jnovikov Some challenges were pretty good, but I haven't used for a while to solve a challenge. That's says a lot.
10 jnovikov I haven't used for a while to solve a challenge. That's says a lot.
1 pomo_mondreganto blackbox-only webs, unbalanced categories (no crypto at all), instances system preventing from simultaneous solving of two challenges