Voting ended at: May 5, 2024, 10 p.m.

Weight after voting: 70.59 / 73.380

Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.


73 mando_elnino I enjoyed it!

73 quasar0147 really really fun, loved the ML challs, fun admins, clam (clam is +100 weight)

60 Azr43lKn1ght balance vote and want forensics

73 ancid so hard

60 Legoclones Pretty good! Lots of high quality challenges across all categories, some guessiness in challs but mostly fantastic

73 overllama Really good CTF, LM challs, mathy crypto, good rev (some TM challs). Lots of creativity and a lot of fun

73 ckc9759 nice

73 MuslimFromPk GREAT CTF

73 Nightxade awesome crypto

73 yahlialton Great CTF!

67 crazyman fun ctf but a bit guessey

59 mando_elnino nice ctf!

73 tommy-kay Good CTF!

73 Rxxxf Greatt

73 Foebar Fun crypto and rev challs!

60 CygnusX-26 Fun CTF, some challs were a bit guessy, but all around fun!

73 nootkroot cool pwn :D

73 sunbather One of the most fun CTF we've been to! Creative and interesting challenges!

73 rx0f Nice

73 Coffee_N_Shells great ctf, had a lot of fun

73 bliutech Great CTF! Lots of interesting challenge. Wide range of difficulty.

73 zeptoide amazing!