Voting ended at: July 28, 2024, 7 p.m.

Weight after voting: 66.02 / 74.715

Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.


74 grzechuG3 @Eth007 i like your osint challenges, very cool ?

74 lecassette not enough medium challenges, a lot of 100s in the end were rather difficult to me

60 MK37 nice overall, lot of challs. Forensics was a mix of stegano, osint, some forensics (not enough), and lack of medium difficulty challs

46 Nissen Good amount of challs, many were too jank. Almost no real forensics, most was actually misc. Current weight matches fine, 74 is way too high

62 RJCyber fun challenges

74 734P07 good

60 c-bass enjoyable ctf - well made crypto & pwn challenges, thank you for hosting

1 c-bass L pwn

60 JudahGoldstein Event was well run, the pitch as being "for all skill levels" is a bit dishonest, the difficulty curve was anything but smooth.

54 JudahGoldstein Event was well run, the pitch as being "for all skill levels" is a bit dishonest, the difficulty curve was anything but smooth.

59 quasar098 prize pool less than last year but very fun ctf

74 arbri-gj Very enjoyable CTF. The admins were responsive. I had fun those two days.

11 gogo0x Cool

70 M411K cool ctf

70 Cook1e nice

50 MOR14R7Y good ctf , responsive admins , unique challenges! had fun

74 zeptoide the quality of challs was extremely good, very enjoyable!

50 null_byte_ good

74 N0R37urn excellent challs

74 obmium very nice challenges

74 enigmeow Very cool, fun balanced

74 swixzt nice challls, fun ctf

74 thestranger fun challenges and well organized CTF

74 chilin.h Nice CTF

74 Elliot_404 fun

74 Elliot_404 good

74 Dimas_Maulana good ctf

74 vipin fun

57 Erb3 Pretty good CTF, but I would've liked some network forensics, and we did experience some downtime and delays.

74 adarsh great

74 davidcsy nice

65 Swizzer fun

74 L00T8R1N93R Good learning experience. Would do again.

9 hex01e nice

74 Yjc Fun

70 vipin fun!

74 wxx6 fine

74 jawahar-b good

74 stuxf fire. infra did not get exploited this year. would play again for sure great ctf and wonderful challenges and fire infra