Voting ended at: Oct. 28, 2024, 2 p.m.
Weight after voting: 51.65 / 57.855
Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.
57 hilaler
57 walkers Great CTF!
57 ap3nst0r loved the challenges. great ctf
57 Den_loob Some nice challs
25 sebsrt nice challs, not hard
47 maxdem pwn was good, but other categories were a bit all over the place
41 Daanbreur Challenges could be better and there could be a bit more challenges.
40 Lodsb Good, challenging pwn & nice beginner pwn in I-95 category. Other categories (web, crypto, rev) could be better and have more challenges.
57 Execut3 Fun I95 and Pwn challenges
57 chief18 nice
57 nolang fun pwn
57 C15C01337 Gud challs
19 aaalviny a lot of guessy challs across different categories like web and crypto
50 bquanman gd
43 L0n3_W0lf Good one
57 reun10nctf good new things we learned. just hope to have more challenges on other categories next time
57 VR46 Sunshine CTF is now an annual ritual. The challenges, the admins and the environment - everything is very conducting to learning new stuff.
50 _._ Nice challs, have a lot of fun. No issue at all. But I think SunshineCTF should add more quality (and quantity of) rev challs.
57 Txmol Amazing
57 biernp2 fun pwn
57 MoaiMan Good infra fun pwn
57 naup96321 Great CTF, thx
57 yqroo more rev please
57 Wixter07 Great CTF
57 zeptoide really fun challenges, and great admins!
57 ShellUnease Shiny