Voting ends at: Oct. 4, 2024, 11:30 a.m.

Current weight: 25.00 / 25.0

Voting is available from the event start and a week after the finish.

Please, sign in to vote for event weight.


25 jawahar good CTF

25 zacian It was good.

25 Juke Very goof ctf and nice challenges!

25 Zukane Great set of challenges

25 Krut27 .

24 Krut27 It was fun!

25 tommy-kay Good CTF.

25 qt_cb_ht It was a nice experience

25 bot@2004 nice variety of challenges.

25 sanjay_saga it is a nice ctf

25 Phoenix_king Challenging and Standard ctf

25 Haemowaek The ctf was awesome and the organizers were so active and helpful throughout the whole event.....HACKS OFF.....

25 L0n3_W0lf Hard and Nice challs

25 L30 It was a great event

25 htet nice

6 an0nbil pretty easy! except some OSINT and crypto challenges!