Voting ended at: March 23, 2025, 1 p.m.

Weight after voting: 18.91 / 25.0

Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.


25 g1u770.n nice

15 Ishayu could be better

25 5h1kh4r nice

25 vani5hing nice chall

1 Endless_Failure I created the ticket ... the admin immediately closed it lol They weren't cooperative at all and the challenges were too hard for beginners

25 d4ngvn These challenges range from medium to hard difficulty.

23 bkmlauda ok

25 water009 good

20 cridin1 cool challenges, but they could be improved...

25 [deleted user] very good

20 zenCipher beginner friendfly

22 davezero86 We enjoyed the CTF. Some aspects to improve (e.g., some guessy challs and infra problems) but overall a good first attempt. Thank you!

25 tmq easy

1 salvatore.abello I wrote a longer comment in the event page. The weight should be 12 or lower.

20 drw0if Nice challs, best suited for beginners, infra not really good for the load but at least no challs required rockyou.txt to be solved

25 anhshidou good

1 c0mm4nd_ Some challenges were cool, pwn was easy/intermed. Admin behaviour surely wasn't the best. Should be at ~10/15 rating

10 Lorenzinco Challenges were not that great, lack of difficulty and infrastructure was overall bad, best hopes for next year!

1 kalex Challenges were mid. The entire CTF organization was terrible though, general lack of knowledge about how to run a CTF. Updated for balance.

25 5o1z nice CTF

25 eltrix ..

25 Zex cool

17 SteamPunk Very Challenging <script>alert("gotmefreaky");</script>

25 GregorSec Fun challenges. Medium/hard difficulty. Would do again

25 AgentPerry Nice CTF, challenges were medium/hard but still fun, best osint ever played also

25 Juke not so easy ctf

25 ductohno very very nice ctf, creative web chall

8 kalex Challenges were mid/ok. The entire CTF organization was terrible though, general lack of knowledge about how to run a CTF.

24 gdpr.1742403584.ad123ac67dbad1 very good ctf

12 Prosti The CTF can improve a lot. Challenges in general were mid. Hints were released after the challenge was solved. Orgs kind of rude in tickets