Voting ended at: Sept. 18, 2016, 5 p.m.

Weight after voting: 57.34 / 25.0

Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.


25 gnx Good.

25 Jafar Great ctf, challenging as always. well done

25 Hertz Decent, but doesn't deserve maximum pointage.

25 fraf0 Nice, hard, challenging.

25 romanSil good ctf

25 cebrusfs Too many guessing on warm-up task.....

25 hhc0null Pwn: "Shadow" was interesting but I supposed there was more suitable problem for warmup. The others were normal.

25 _bl4de Very challenging, hard, little bit to few Web challenges - but that's how ASIS is like :)

25 x0w1 Very interesting "Only9" challenge (didn't solve it, but learned a lot)! Didn't like "The imitation game". The "RSA" challenge was average.

25 maro Great CTF. Thx !

25 overheadhb I loved to see Win-Tasks. Many (not trivial) Tasks. Great Ctf!

25 rawcoder nice ctf

25 stypr Good CTF, thanks!

25 reamb good ctf

25 afonsotfaria21 Nice challs

25 7h0r4pp4n good challenges!

25 sudhackar good one!

25 sambeckskhack40 Great CTF as always, many task.

25 Pharisaeus if only other CTFs had so much good crypto :)

25 makhno Hard but very interesting

25 ghozt Hard but fun

25 a0xnirudh nice one !

25 nuc13us Good CTF :)

25 gkrishna Awesome Challenges!

25 phiber Cool crypto challs.

25 nomeaning interesting

25 solarwind nice ctf, as always. thank you!