Voting ended at: Oct. 27, 2016, 10 a.m.

Weight after voting: 55.04 / 100.0

Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.


80 p199ybird Fun but some challenges require too much brute force

100 boryspoplawski Nice ctf, challanging tasks. Tshirt contest was indeed not fair and gave LCBC first place, but life is not fair. Two true flaws: barely read

40 mkulakov Quality challenges. But 24h mid-CTF with few challenges - its more similar on teaser!

50 Sin__ Cool reversing challenges

40 _2can Not the usual quality but still decent.

96 romanSil Fun Ctf

100 Luis_Acosta :)

1 maro to balance

30 phiber Ok challenges, but being hosted on a workday is awful.

1 meh Few challenges, little variety. is disappointing this year.

20 Hertz Can't compare with previous versions. I had problems with login, there were problems with redirects in the platfom, challenges were decent.

70 ipolit Short CTF but well organised.

1 david942j Title this CTF as is a SHAME

90 kaydoubleu pretty cool challenges but no so much variety and login issues in the beginning

1 Lays 100?

5 N4NU has too many bad points, but doesn't have any good

80 kevin47 Fun problems.

70 gsingh93 Fun problems, but not too many of them. And not many pwnables either.

10 plonk Unbalanced challenges, mid-week, and too much guessing involved. Lost interest mid-CTF.

100 Dacat I thought this CTF was pretty good. Just a bit buggy on the registration. Mid week CTFs are fun.

10 icchy tasks are not well-balanced, and they should announce that the registration would be closed after ctf starting.

10 akrasuski1 Better than India quality, but nowhere near previous hacklu. Little diversity in tasks, some guessing involved. Definitely not 100-ish.

40 andrew_ Too much crypto, challenges required more guessing than they should have

100 yobibe Good playability and educative challenges forcing you to learn new things

10 h0twinter Agree with hellman and Pharsaeus. 10 for balancing, too much crypto, middle of week, weird T-shirt contest

100 shishirjindal ..

100 anarh1st47 Hardcore tasks

100 HugoDelval Nice :)

15 grocid Pharisaeus makes a good point. Overall good challenges, but sadly, 15 for balance.

50 laxa mid-week, more diverse challenges, more time

60 jonasbb Very crypto heavy challenges, but the challenges were well designed and had a nice level of difficulty.

10 hellman Too much guessing, few challs, unstable board at the beginning, mid-week.

100 shishirjindal nice

100 MathisHammel Great CTF

50 Luis_Acosta We like this challenge but, as we dont have experience in crypto, we really dont knew how start or to accomplish the challenges, we are begi

5 lwc bad

100 chaker Good crypto challenges

10 unthinkable last years was much better, more diverse challenges; event moved back 1 day just shortly before the actual ctf :/

100 pedroysb I liked the crypto challenges

100 gnx Fun tasks. :)

1 cebrusfs WTF

100 niklasb ok

100 nuc13us Good CTF but very less Exploitation problems and lot of crypto problems :(

5 cr019283 decent tasks but only a few; I don't like short-time workdays ctfs. Max vote set for 100 is a joke.

8 nomeaning There is only one pwn problem and it's not so hard. CthCoin is not a crypto chal.(if my solution is intended) It's worth than last year's co

100 NGG Should have been longer because of workdays but really nice otherwise

15 Pharisaeus Avg difficulty, little variety, middle of the week. People voting 100 -> DEFCON was 80, Plaid was 85. I'm voting down to offset.

80 x0w1 Nice crypto. It's strange, that only 20 teams have solved cthcoin

1 seanwu Remote behaviors are always different from local and you have to guess. Challenges have unreasonable extra conditions but not mentioned ever

1 seanwu Remote behaviors are always different from local and you have to guess. Some challenges have unreasonable extra conditions which are not men

80 lionaneesh Nice pwn and rev. Nice crypto.

100 antoniovilarinholopes Only thing missing was more diverse challs and the usual 48 hours

75 ZetaTwo Nice CTF. More evenly balanced categories would've been nice.

50 K3lv1n There are only 12 questions. 5 of them are crypto, 4 of them are reversing. for other's question type, nothing need to do, so terrible.

100 d90pwn norm

1 leopoldinelolcat Soo far far away from past hacklu. Tshirt contest was just not fair. Plateforme was buggy. Rate should be 0.

5 david942j VERY BAD CTF. Challenges with guessing part, late response on IRC. It's absolutely not a event should be.

100 solarwind should be longer, 24 hours ctf of such level on work days is overkill