Voting ended at: Dec. 24, 2017, noon
Weight after voting: 25.00 / 25.0
Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.
25 noras Cool ctf
25 kaelanalysis Educative CTF. Great Challs
25 limit13 Good CTF
25 a_m3th Really Good CTF . Couldn't solve much though :p
25 SIben Cool CTF with quality challenges, unfortunately there were 4 CTFs at the same time :/
25 lakshmi Lot of quality challenges compared to other Indian CTFs!
25 M1doriya
25 M1doriya nice
25 pyon787 good CTF
25 noraj good web chall
25 solarwind nice
25 KosBeg fun CTF, I like it =)
25 slenderestman :) unfortunately did not get the xor one
25 berdoezt simply amazing
25 ykm_kn gute
25 mvalle Elegant CTF
25 hanugra Overall very good CTF (y)
25 uafio weight boost, jk was fun
25 lisno much fun
25 kiroro nice pwns. Bad android reversing. Cool web challange. orgs were responsive on IRC. Lacks of player tho.
25 aaditya_purani Decent tasks, orgs were responsive on IRC. Should be motivated !
25 rh0gue nice pwns. good CTF overall.
25 Pharisaeus Very nice event with a lot of decent quality tasks. A bit sad that the timing was bad and hardly anyone was playing.