Programming: Teaching Old Dog New Tricks 50 programming 1
Souper Strong primes 200 cryptography-rsa 1
Fumblr 275 2
Little Language 250 1
nosource 250 javascript 1
FlagTime 80 miscellaneous 4
My Letter 80 forensics 2
Fanfic Studio 350 binary pwn overflow exploitation heap 1
EzReverse 140 rev 2
Format 160 pwn formatstring 2
Special Endings 350 forensics 1
RSA_v 200 cryptography rsa 2
Hidden Key 250 rsa cryptography 5
Pixelly 220 engineering reverse 3
Soupstitution Cipher 150 unicode reverse crypto python 2
Not OTP 100 crypto 3
zipperoni 160 forensics python 3
Remember Me 130 forensics 1
rop1 120 binaryexploitation pwn rop 1
Diff 100 forensics 4
RSA Returns 400 rsa-crypto rsa 1
Starman 1 80 programming 1
Zippity 80 netcat miscellaneous 5
Nosource, Jr. 80 web javascript 2
Adder 80 reverse 1
In Plain Sight 70 dns web 1
Keyed Xor 100 cryptography 3
Liar 70 reverse 1
Programming: Subset Counting 55 programming 1
xor 50 cryptography 3
Markov's Bees 50 linux 2
Substitute 50 cryptography 3
hexedit 50 reverse 2
Digging for Soup 150 dig dns web 1
Programming: Over and Over 40 programming 3
Programming: Taking Input 30 programming 2
Intro: Reverse Engineering 30 reverse intro 2
EzSteg 30 forensics 2
Look At Flag 30 forensics 2
Haystack 30 forensics 2
Programming: Exclusive 20 crypto programming 3
MalDropper 160 rev .net 2
Intro: Hashing 20 intro misc 2
Intro: Netcat 20 intro netcat 2
Soupreme Encoder 20 cryptography 2
Intro: Web 10 intro web 2
The Oldest Trick in the Book 10 intro cryptography 2
Intro: Linux 10 intro linux 2
Intro: Hello, world! 10 misc intro 2
LicenseCheck 300 engineering reverse 2