Voting ended at: April 22, 2018, 7 p.m.
Weight after voting: 21.83 / 25.0
Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.
25 mito Good CTF!
25 Wind4s nice
25 1u0 good
25 oneup_ Good challenges
20 Pendekar212 Nice
20 1m_Z3r0 good challenges
25 gdpr.1576972861.47ccf492b9d938 Good ctf
25 gpp256 Nice CTF
25 momopranto Decent CTF, would play again
17 0xScie Good challenges
25 FADEC0D3 Nice CTF!
1 noraj Example: "Dance" challenge was just guessing, not real life and not abotu security at all, thx binam
25 ManhND Good challenges
25 dapolinario Great CTF!
20 privateshorty Fun Challenges lots of pwn
25 Mujahid_ Great
20 retr0id Some fun challenges
22 numinit Decent challenges, not bad for WPI's first.
20 albntomat0 Decent CTF
20 _bl4de Nice CTF
25 Gaspare Nice CTF
18 theguy It was a well organized CTF but please don't do that kitten challenge anymore! It was really exhausting!