Voting ended at: May 13, 2018, 4 p.m.

Weight after voting: 95.72 / 100.0

Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.


80 mxms Good CTF; hard as usual

87 pernicious interesting challs, but overall didnt have as much fun as last year :<

75 jack2 :< :>

100 Lays good

100 Lays ?

100 Angelboy awesome ctf

95 Jackyxty Interesting and high-quality challenges.

95 david942j Hard and interesting challenges. 5 points for no prize this year :'(

100 ddaa awesome ctf

96 dux Well made challenges! We had a lot of fun. I am still waiting for a writeup of the hard LCG Crypto challnge.

100 ZUHXS challenging

100 0xbb Hard, interesting, non-guessing challenges! zajebisty ctf

90 l4w_io good

90 l4w_io ?

92 yrlf Really interesting challenges, hard, but we learned a lot. Infrastructure worked great too.

100 vient zajebisty ctf