Voting ended at: July 22, 2018, 7 p.m.

Weight after voting: 32.76 / 36.885

Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.


36 chq-matteo Learned a lot, contestants and organizers were helpful on irc after the ctf

18 guest no intermediate flags for individual stages of tasks that could be gained by beginners ;)

20 noraj A lot of challenges were not properly tested

36 babyphdteam ok

27 jowabels Excellent organization!

36 harrier Nice crypto

30 erfur Some unclear directives, otherwise interesting tasks.

36 milkchoco great and clean

36 alissonb Great CTF!

36 chung96vn Good~~

36 5unkn0wn nice reverse challs

31 Demoniaque Interesting tasks, some guessing involved, could use a tiny bit more stability

36 d90pwn nice

36 a1exdandy awesome

35 factoreal Good and creative tasks, some tasks need more test, like OTP (previous ASIS OTP Server task :P) Thanks to orgs.

36 p4p1lio_1337133713371337 Good CTF except some guessable tasks!

36 Pharisaeus Really liked it.

36 hama intersting

30 Paul_Axe Nice challs, but some of them is based on guessing

36 beched the tasks were diverse and many of them interesting. But others were unstable/guessing. Looking forward for the next version with resolved i