Voting ended at: Sept. 23, 2018, 8 p.m.
Weight after voting: 43.00 / 45.345
Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.
45 chq-matteo Nice crypto. strings | grep best combo
45 VoidMercy sice
45 M1doriya was good
45 mans Some interesting pwnable challenges but missed hard pwn challenges
45 aaditya_purani Good demanding ctf overall, as always. :)
45 ret2jazzy pretty nice
40 DrDinosaur Pretty good overall, but forensics challenges were terrible
43 crclark96 good challenges, forensics weren't weighted the greatest. great beginner reverse engineering challenges that scaled up nicely, love the misc
35 dantt Some cool web, very poor forensics challenges
45 shreyansh26 An awesome CTF. The quality of the questions was great.
45 jonathanj Great CTF
45 Fish It was a great CTF with some easy challenges (as usual) and some quite cool ones.
45 jkrshnmenon CTF has improved a lot since last year. This should keep getting better.
45 adi19982010
45 TheEmperors Cool CTF with many tasks in 2 days, this is what we need. Adn almost tasks are medium and hard
45 zixcoolx hard ctf
45 jack2 Pretty good ctf
45 iamalsaher Super awesome CTF
45 alissonb Some hard and cool challenges! Good CTF
45 adrianoribeiro Good
40 TheLaluka Hard and medium challenges, good overall ! :)
45 cts Generally good challenges, but oftentimes very guessy requiring hint to solve fully
45 TuanLinh ASM is for beginner, fun, but the difficulty increase pretty quick :)
35 sigttou very nicely balanced, some hard challenges.
40 rebirthwyw web is not for beginner OK!!!!!!