Voting ended at: Dec. 2, 2018, 10 p.m.

Weight after voting: 27.16 / 36.120

Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.


36 alb1or1x Great educational CTF

36 aidangoettsch very cool

1 meithecatte F■■k guessing challs.

36 FADEC0D3 Fun CTF -- Learned a few things along the way!

30 ovProphet Didn't like guessing challenges either but there were not that many of them.

1 terjanq I haven't learned a thing. Pretty evey challenge required guessing.

36 s1r1us Awesome CTF

36 adragos cool

5 tnek Lots of guess-y challenges - easyDOS was guess "cat flag.txt"?

5 nickg very easy ctf. a few chals were just guessing.

36 FeDEX enjoyable

36 mr96

36 kilo nice ctf