Voting ended at: Aug. 26, 2018, 2 a.m.
Weight after voting: 24.50 / 25.0
Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.
25 jonathanj A pretty good CTF in general
25 s0rc3r3r Cool challenges. Hoping for more crypto challs next time! :)
25 sampriti Some issues but definitely deserves more than 25 compared to other CTFs here
25 bruxo few challenges and harder than usual
25 shpik common
25 mans Good ctf
25 mr96 Good Ctf, maybe too many rev challenges
25 ecurve Good Challenges. And really nice crypto challenge. Good job!
25 neptunia ctf scoring weight is a joke anyways
25 Fish it's a nice CTF with so many reversing challenges.
25 p4p1lio_1337133713371337 Generally, Good CTF!
20 kt Shared challenge between teams (down all the time), some challenges were good. Broken English here and there. I don't know meh at best.¯\_(ツ