Voting ended at: Nov. 21, 2018, 7 p.m.

Weight after voting: 24.56 / 37.500

Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.


25 GDASL Nice CTF! Fun times!

25 unblvr Interesting challenges that require no guesswork. Clear, but difficult goals.

25 goapsych0 nice ctf. like the duration of several days.

25 R0ck3t Nice and original challenges, very fun.

21 mystiz The problems are nice, but the score distribution is strange...

25 kaushiksk Extremely good distribution of challenges in terms of difficulty.

25 Nspace Very nice ctf and interesting problems

20 Shx Pretty good CTF overall, just wished it had more categories like web exploitation and forensics

25 vaibhav_jayant nice ctf

25 mr96

25 AndyNovo Great ctf, beautiful problems, timed, intense, nice difficulty