Voting ended at: Oct. 31, 2019, 10 a.m.
Weight after voting: 87.94 / 100.0
Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.
100 H4MA good
100 poiko Very good. Interesting challenges, nice site and overall theme. Only negative was it running during the week.
100 nytr0gen well made challenges
100 0xf4b1 nice CTF
100 maritio_o 100/100, very good CTF!
100 s1r1us Great Challenges.
100 naiamepb it was a fun and challenging ctf
100 vidner good one
100 unblvr Interesting challenges, all released immediately. Good difficulty level.
100 zup Really fun challenges! I learned a lot even though I spent way too much time on just a few challenges
100 Frisk Hard and rewarding exercises
100 Yodakasi fun ctf
60 Toroto006 Were really nice challenges in total, even if difficulty rating was for me a little off!
100 warlock_rootx Nice ctf
100 nytr0gen really good web challenges
100 hanugra nice
100 umutoztunc Really fun pwn and crypto challenges.
73 zavinator Hard CTF, please more baby challs :)
100 kylebot I like the baby kernel series. Thanks Sceptic!
30 Pharisaeus Meh. Also middle of the week.
100 mystiz Very fun crypto challenges. It is however hard to focus on weekdays...
72 chq-matteo Very good event liked challenges from all categories, but during week days so only got to play at night
60 vient good