Voting ended at: Nov. 23, 2019, 6:30 a.m.

Weight after voting: 24.25 / 25.0

Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.


25 gdpr.1614459779.2c257e4733b460 First CTF, and it was really good ! I learned a lot

25 sbairane A good place to learn soft and Hard. the electronic board is very nice.

25 MathisHammel Absolutely no guessing, tasks are super clear and diverse (hardware, blockchain, BLE, etc). One of the best CTFs.

25 p-l- Awesome CTF, I particularly enjoyed the hardware challenge!

22 migounette It's a good place to learn - Challenges are goods and you can learn Hardwre and Software.

25 lstdiraf Good CTF, wide variety of challenges (including hardware)

22 ari_ Good CTF level and organisation, as always.

25 Ace17 Very cool CTF with a lot of variety in its challenges