Voting ended at: Feb. 23, 2020, 2 p.m.
Weight after voting: 19.44 / 25.0
Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.
25 Capitan_Grach Nice ivent
19 NPC ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
15 Bitnotes Unprompted slow brute force challenge and technical problems aside, this was a fun beginner-friendly ctf.
25 NPC pretty cool
18 Rakabidasta Nice CTF!
20 zup Fun and easy challenges, however there was a lot of guessing challenges and bruteforcing + they had some technical problems, but overall a g
25 Smerdis ;)
22 Ktrio3 Lacking in pwn/reversing, but the challenges were fun
25 stankc Had fun!
18 TheQuickBrownFox Some challenges seemed liked guessing, but I think it was a great CTF for starters, challenges were kinda easy
25 Foucan Nice CTF
17 mephi42 :-)
25 droven0101 Good ctf, had fun playing it.
1 T0t0_0r0 Guessing & technical problems ...
10 Folcoxx Nice CTF
25 Newbie_aaa Nice CTF!
1 7ur7l3 lots of guessing tasks
25 shok it’s good that at this event there were tasks for beginners and tasks of medium complexity
25 M4t35Z Nice ctf, sherlock themed challs :D
20 f4r4w4y Nice ctf really enjoyed it
25 v3ntur4X Nice CTF!
24 overheadhb Nice CTF, liked besides the challenges the sherlok theme.
25 F055il215 :)
20 yonatand the ctf was beginner friendly,I liked the Sherlock theme, I was a little sad for the lack of reverse challenges, it had a few problems with
25 nnewram cool ctf, had alot of fun.
10 agarman Server issues, could have more diversity like more reverse problems.
25 Flashy911 Had fun
10 olivato ok
15 En1gma -10 for bad reverse, i don't belive it that challenge 1000 pts is SO EASY
5 aleksey85 guess the flag and technical problems
1 lionaneesh server problems. unplayable for me. :(
25 redCookie Good ctf. The forensics category was very fun. Looking forward to next year's edition.
20 teapot not bad ctf
25 reminthink Good CTF
20 ciplenok57 Good ctf. Was a lot of hard tasks
25 y12uN well constructed
21 qpwoeirut Good CTF but there were too many hints released at the end which disadvantaged teams that weren't able to use them
25 inukai VK
25 EduardoDesdes Good CTF :3
25 mdaliakbar98 Niceee
15 SS31 No bruteforce, please!!
23 Immobility I bit of confusing flag formats, but otherwise, very creative challenges!
20 chop0 Really good forensics, but not many binary exploitation challenges. Cool theme as well
5 soulctf Kinda bad, challenges were guessying or easy/stupid hard
12 dsc__ lots of bruteforce & releasing hints after solves.
25 KirillMSW Good ctf, interesting tasks
22 Internaut401 Very good for beginners. Unfortunatly, there were no pwn challenges and just one of reverse
25 Kuruwa good
20 HenryRozenttag Not bad contest, but have some troubles in organization
25 Lowder cool ctf, but too much bruteforce imho
20 deadl0ck technical issues making challenges inaccessible the first 5 of 24h. Challenges seemed to be quite nice, but rather of medium difficulty
25 nullarmor respectable ctf
25 BlackWarriorXTN pretty solid ctf
25 ni8walk3rr nice challenges
20 illethrias nice ctf, but few challs could be tuned a bit bettter (crypto/ bruteforce)
25 SVDWI :)
25 jammy
25 warlock_rootx nice ctf
1 cyberpukan The organizers stole 2 of 3 reverse task from root-me. The team that organized the event eventually played it (look at 61 place in scoreboa
1 cyberpukan The organizers stole 2 of 3 reverse task from root-me. The team that organized the event eventually played it (look at 61 place in scoreboa
25 Foucan Nice to start at CTF
21 damjan Themed CTF on the easier side.
25 Norealistic Great organization
25 TecatechAlpha Nice ctf with good web challs!
25 FOLKS-iwd nice CTF , i liked the stego one
25 Smerdis Very good challenges
11 HacMao the challenge is not good
23 satto1237 Overall well-designed, but -2 because 2 crypto problems were guessing.
25 fex0r nice organization normal skill level challenges
20 iliushin There is a slight room for improvement, but it was a lot of fun.
25 katee good organization and questions
25 Sz4rny Well desinged and organized.