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Local Team for Local People :)

Participated in CTF events

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
1010Cyber Apocalypse 2024: Hacker Royale5100.00006.111
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
531Hack The Boo2200.000010.841
1263Cyber Apocalypse CTF 2022: Intergalactic Chase 925.00001.187
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
737ångstromCTF 2021195.00001.479
154UTCTF 20215133.00005.191
205BSidesSF 2021 CTF101.00000.301
273darkCON CTF523.00000.850
168TrollCAT CTF 2021786.00001.983
727DiceCTF 20211.00000.039
599justCTF [*] 202050.00000.346
2100x41414141 CTF795.00000.000
228Real World CTF 3rd41.00000.624
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
104Brixel CTF winter edition494.00000.000
168VULNCON CTF 2020400.00000.786
124hxp CTF 2020125.00002.210
465X-MAS CTF 202070.00000.000
184pbctf 202027.00000.255
2742020 December Metasploit community CTF200.00002.481
391HITCON CTF 202050.00001.223
175Dragon CTF 202042.00001.398
221Block CTF 20201.00000.174

Team members

Team writeups

UTCTF 2021Be My Guest [994]read writeup
UTCTF 2021Oinker [657]read writeup
UTCTF 2021Source it! [100]read writeup
UTCTF 2021Sizzling Bacon [500]read writeup
UTCTF 2021Cipher Gauntlet [100]read writeup
UTCTF 2021Run Elf [500]read writeup
UTCTF 2021Magic Bytes [500]read writeup
UTCTF 2021HTML [500]read writeup
UTCTF 2021Stringy Things [500]read writeup
darkCON CTFThe Reporter [500]read writeup
Hacktober CTFAddress Book [50]read writeup
Hacktober CTFBody Count [25]read writeup