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Participated in CTF events

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points CTF 202481.00002.535
562PatriotCTF 2024706.00001.284
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
1166th stage MetaRed CTF Centroamérica y Caribe 2022900.00000.000
1719Hack The Boo600.00002.958
58CyberSecurityRumble CTF898.00007.100
169WPICTF 202250.00000.415
308Tenable CTF 2022900.00002.414
46Break the Syntax CTF 2022405.00002.436
103Insomni'hack teaser 202287.00000.776
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
42X-MAS CTF 2021 Second Weekend2558.00003.079 CTF 2021121.00002.619
138DEADFACE CTF2749.00006.374
120Tamil CTF 20211107.00000.708
118PBjar CTF '212529.00000.000
646CSAW CTF Qualification Round 2021161.00000.000
105IJCTF 2021100.00000.358
73ImaginaryCTF 20212480.00005.733
358Google Capture The Flag 202150.00001.039
169zer0pts CTF 2021207.00001.121
148darkCON CTF1266.00002.008
254DiceCTF 2021219.00001.241
246BambooFox CTF 20211.00000.103

Team members

Team writeups

IJCTF 2021sanity [100]read writeup
darkCON CTFRead/Reverse [406]read writeup
darkCON CTFEasyRop/Pwn - Writeup read writeup
DiceCTF 2021Babier CSP [107]read writeup