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Each possible move represents
a different game.
A different universe in which you make
a better move.
By the second move,
there are 72,084 possible games.
By the third, 9 million.
By the fourth...
There are more possible games of chess
than there are atoms in the universe.
No one could possibly predict them all,
even you.
Which means that
that first move can be terrifying.
It's the furthest point
from the end of the game.
There's a virtually infinite sea of
possibilities between you and the other side.
But it also means
that if you make a mistake...
...there's a nearly infinite amount of ways
to fix it.

Participated in CTF events

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
358HeroCTF v3221.00000.830
718RITSEC CTF 202110.00000.000

Team members