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ECSC Team Finland

Participated in CTF events

Overall rating place: 734 with 67.525 pts in 2024

Country place: 2

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
30FAUST CTF 202416360.072030.665
49SekaiCTF 20241018.00007.349
25idekCTF 20242433.000018.282
14CrewCTF 20243251.000011.229

Overall rating place: 255 with 149.321 pts in 2023

Country place: 1

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points CTF 2023751.000016.364
14FAUST CTF 202345349.154357.464
97SECCON CTF 2023 Quals414.00009.928
12SekaiCTF 20234742.000013.388
84HITB SECCONF CTF 20231000.00000.527
166corCTF 2023147.00000.896
22ENOWARS 731664.530550.753

Overall rating place: 365 with 90.961 pts in 2022

Country place: 2

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
14HITB SECCONF CTF 202220794.90002.008
1nullcon Goa HackIM CTF 20226980.000050.000
85SHELLCTF 20223331.000013.577
15ENOWARS 615940.828825.376

Team members

Team writeups

nullcon Goa HackIM CTF 2022i love browsers [493]read writeup
nullcon Goa HackIM CTF 2022Git To the Core [449]read writeup
nullcon Goa HackIM CTF 2022Cloud Na(t)ive [500]read writeup
nullcon Goa HackIM CTF 2022Request for Knowledge [500]read writeup
nullcon Goa HackIM CTF 2022More than meets the eye [423]read writeup
nullcon Goa HackIM CTF 2022Cloud 9*9 [100]read writeup