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🕊Woman, Life, Freedom

Participated in CTF events

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
143b01lers CTF200.00001.307
110UTCTF 20231710.00004.484
30Pragyan CTF 20231264.00004.446

Overall rating place: 682 with 51.446 pts in 2022

Country place: 3

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
131X-MAS CTF 2022398.00001.068
118INTENT CTF 2022150.00000.724
2TeamItaly CTF 20223882.000034.501
88MapleCTF 2022366.00001.209
62nullcon Goa HackIM CTF 2022415.00001.890
177corCTF 2022442.00001.411
77TFC CTF 20222220.00005.822
124ImaginaryCTF 20222100.00004.821

Team members