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Participated in CTF events

Overall rating place: 879 with 50.635 pts in 2023

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
29nullcon HackIM CTF Goa 20231583.00006.462
51ESCAPE CTF 2023 Preliminary460.00000.000
124corCTF 2023262.00001.498
531ImaginaryCTF 2023300.00000.761
91Crypto CTF 2023299.00007.001
226SEETF 2023261.00000.442
614n00bzCTF 2023452.00000.554
802HSCTF 10244.00000.647
18Break the Syntax CTF 20232137.000013.308
144DanteCTF 2023735.00002.458
298BxMCTF 2023224.00001.519
177TJCTF 2023178.00001.460
23TBTL CTF 2023890.00002.538
296BYUCTF 2023937.00000.905
251Grey Cat The Flag 2023 Qualifiers150.00000.599
36DeadSec CTF 20231136.00004.647
575HeroCTF v550.00000.143
354ICSJWG Spring 2023300.00000.000
142Cryptoverse CTF 20231120.00002.391
170PwnMe Qualifications : "8 bits"371.00001.566
142UMDCTF 20231879.00003.771
129Ricerca CTF 2023254.00000.000
677ångstromCTF 2023210.00005.738
271Space Heroes 2023508.00000.690
301DawgCTF 2023100.00000.527
263CyberHavoc CTF190.00001.552
414JerseyCTF III150.00000.203
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
127HITCON CTF 2022251.00004.255

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